Bridging the Gap: Building PostX on the Blockchain Operating System (BOS)

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Bridging the Gap: Building PostX on the Blockchain Operating System (BOS)


The world of blockchain development has often been criticized for its steep learning curve, hindering the entry of enthusiastic developers into the exciting realm of Web3. Recognizing this challenge, our team embarked on a mission during the WebFusion Hackathon to create an app that serves as a seamless transition between Web2 and Web3. Enter PostX, a revolutionary application built on the Blockchain Operating System (BOS), designed to showcase trending posts with a focus on hashtag-based filtering.

The WebFusion Hackathon Journey

Understanding the Landscape

Our journey began with a deep dive into the current state of blockchain development. Acknowledging the existing complexities and the array of programming languages such as Solidity, Rust, and Cadence, we set out to simplify the onboarding process for our developers leading to using the Blockchain Operating System(BOS) provided by Near.

Choosing BOS as the Foundation

To bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3, we opted to build PostX on the Blockchain Operating System (BOS). This decision was rooted in our belief that a user-friendly environment is crucial for encouraging wider participation in the blockchain space. BOS provided us with the tools and infrastructure needed to create a seamless and intuitive experience for our developers.

Designing the PostX Experience

At the heart of PostX lay a singular goal: to spotlight trending posts via an interface designed to underscore hashtag-based filtering. Our vision was to create a platform where users could seamlessly delve into and interact with content aligned with their interests, all while harnessing the transformative capabilities of blockchain technology. In developing PostX, we prioritized user comfort by ensuring that their data remains decentralized on BOS, putting control solely in the hands of the user who chooses when and how to share their information. This commitment to data decentralization reinforces the user's agency over their personal information, aligning with the principles of transparency and user empowerment inherent in the BOS ecosystem.

The Building Process

User-Friendly Interface

Recognizing the importance of a user-friendly interface, we opted for a web-based application that integrates seamlessly with BOS. The front end was built using familiar technologies such as React and JavaScript, providing a smooth onboarding experience for developers accustomed to Web2 technologies

Hashtag-Based Filtering Algorithm

Implementing the hashtag-based filtering algorithm was a key challenge. We researched and tested various approaches, aiming to strike a balance between efficiency and accuracy. The final algorithm not only enhances user experience but also contributes to the discoverability of content within the PostX ecosystem.

Noteworthy Challenges and Discoveries

Integration with BOS

While BOS offered a conducive environment, integrating our application with the blockchain operating system posed its own set of challenges. We navigated through documentation, sought community support, and iteratively refined our integration to ensure seamless communication between PostX and BOS.

Community Feedback

Throughout the development process, we actively sought feedback from the developer community and potential users. This iterative feedback loop was instrumental in refining the user experience and uncovering unforeseen challenges.


In conclusion, the WebFusion Hackathon provided us with the platform to pioneer PostX, an application that not only showcases trending posts on BOS but also acts as a gateway for developers into the world of Web3. By leveraging the Blockchain Operating System, we believe we have taken a significant step in reducing the barriers to entry and making blockchain development more accessible to a wider audience.

As we continue to refine and expand PostX, we look forward to contributing to the evolution of Web3 and fostering a community of developers passionate about the intersection of technology and decentralized systems.